
I started Canopy Column because I wanted to: 1) practice front-end development, 2) challenge myself to build my first website from scratch, and 3) teach others about aeroponic gardening. 

From the moment we got our Tower Garden I knew I wanted to share the idea of aeroponic gardening with others, especially with people who may not have green thumbs (such as myself, I kill practically everything). I also knew that I wanted the foundation of this side project to act as an informative website that tracked our progress and the produce we’re able to successfully grow. That way, year after year we can make more educated decisions about the produce we choose to grow and know will thrive.

Final Product

It’s a very simple website that: 1) briefly explains how aeroponic gardening works, 2) showcases the produce we’ve successfully grown (rainbow chard, gourmet lettuce, dinosaur kale, multicolor spinach, arugula, basil), 3) provide some rationale as to why we invested in this, and 4) offer people ways to get their own. I took all the photos myself and made sure all elements met AAA guidelines.

Visit the website.

1. How might we make the process of scheduling a cardiac appointment easy for our visitors?
2. How might we establish trust between the potential patient and the institution? 
3. How might we encourage accessibility and friendliness when it comes to sifting through medical jargon in times of stress?
